Feb 13, 2008

Countdown to Soccer season 2008

Two more weeks until the new season begins and practices are in full swing. All practices will be held at Lampson Stadium and we have the 7-9 p.m. slot the first week. Parents meeting on the 25th at 5:30 p.m. at Southridge High School. We will be conditioning hard the first week of practice, so start running now. It looks like we will have more student athletes turning out than we've had in the last several years, so hopes will be high to finish near the top of the league. I will be keeping you up to date on our season as well as other area teams.


Mr. Elfering said...

On your schedules there has been a change in the game with Eastmont.
The Eastmont game will now be on 3/26/08 instead of 2/25/08


Cindy Johnson said...

This is awesome! I love this communication piece! Hey, did you mean 3/25/08 on that game change?

Riley said...

Yes the original schedule said 3/25/08, it's now 3/26/08.